We are an accountancy and consultancy practice based in Northwood. We can also be contacted through the Pinner address below. With many years experience between the director and staff, we can help you in the following key areas:

We are a family run accountancy practice and we pride ourselves on being professional, friendly and dedicated to our clients. Being a small team means we can offer you one to one personal services and assist you with all your accountancy needs.

Please contact us for a free consultation and see what we can do for you. We are confident we can offer you the professional and reliable support service you need which would allow you to concentrate on running your business successfully.

For further information please contact us below:

Northwood Office
Anthony Peters FCA
9 The Fairway
Tel: 01923 825878
Mobile 07930 532587
Email: Anthony@burwoods.com
Email: Hannah@burwoods.com

The Cottage
17 Little Moss Lane
Mobile 07710 973362
Email: jim@burwoods.com

Burwoods is the trading name of Burwood (Pinner) Ltd Registered office is Northwood address Incorporated in England and Wales Company No 1519361 Director: A.J. Peters FCA Privacy Statement